It shall be the duty of the owner, lessor or occupant of every house, industrial, commercial or other building to have proper house or building numbers either by affixing to the building the numbers in metal, glass, plastic or other durable material. The numbers shall not be less than four inches in height, in a contrasting color to the base. The numbers shall either be lighted or made of some reflective materials and so placed to be easily seen from the street.
(Prior Code, § 1006.01)
In those cases where the principal building is obscured from view from the street of address by accessory buildings, trees, shrubbery or other visual obstruction, the numbers shall be displayed from a permanent mounting on the property so that they are clearly visible from the street of address.
(Prior Code, § 1006.02)
Upon the failure of any owner or occupant to properly display an assigned number in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and after ten days notice of the violation by city officials, the city may cause the installation of the assigned number and, in that case, the Council shall charge the reasonable cost of the installation against the property to be collected in accordance with the city's normal billing procedures.
(Prior Code, § 1006.03)