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   (1)   Subdividers and/or home builders shall be required to replace significant trees which were indicated on the tree preservation plan to be saved but ultimately were destroyed or damaged. Each significant tree that was supposed to be saved but was destroyed or damaged shall be replaced with two replacement trees.
   (2)   Replacement trees shall consist of nursery stock and be no less than the following sizes:
      (a)   Deciduous trees: No less than two and one-half inches in diameter; and
      (b)   Coniferous trees: No less than six feet high;
   (3)   Replacement trees shall be species similar to the trees which were destroyed or damaged and can include those species shown on the following table:
      (a)   Deciduous trees: maple, oak, linden, ash, honeylocust, birch, hackberry; and
      (b)    Coniferous trees: fir, red pine, white spruce, eastern red cedar, black hills spruce, white pine, Austrian pine, northern white cedar.
   (4)   Unacceptable trees: The following trees are unacceptable because of structural instability, susceptibility to disease, or because they are invasive species:
      (a)   Deciduous: Norway maple, Siberian elm, silver maple, cottonwood, amur maple; and
      (b)   Coniferous: Colorado spruce.
   (5)   Replacement trees shall not be placed on easements or street rights-of-way. Prior to planting replacement trees, the subdivider or home builder shall submit for city review and approval the locations of the replacement trees.
(Ord. 04-03, passed 2-24-2003)
   (1)   No final plat shall be approved by the City Council until improvements and construction of the land, streets and trails, together with all other necessary facilities in the plat have been designed and satisfactorily arranged in accordance with provisions of the regulations for land improvement and construction and conditions of subdivision approval. In addition to construction on land, streets and trails, the developer, as part of the final plat, shall install and pay for light poles, fixtures and street name signs as approved by the city and the utility company serving the location. The installations shall be completed before the street is surfaced.
   (2)   The following is a detailed description of public improvements required to be completed for each final plat:
      (a)   Grading, drainage, wetland mitigation and erosion control;
      (b)   Sanitary sewer facilities;
      (c)   Water facilities;
      (d)   Storm sewer;
      (e)   Streets;
      (f)   Street and traffic signs;
      (g)   Sidewalks and trails;
      (h)   Street lights; and
      (i)   Subdivision monuments.
(Ord. 04-03, passed 2-24-2003)
   (1)   Durable iron monuments meeting the minimum requirements of state law shall be set at all angle and curve points on the outside boundary lines of the plat and also at all block and lot corners and at all intermediate points on the block and lot lines indicating changes of direction in the lines and witness corners.
   (2)   All federal, state, city or other official benchmarks, monuments, or triangular stations in or adjacent to the property shall be preserved in precise position and shall be recorded on the plat.
   (3)   To ensure that all irons and monuments are correctly in place following the final grading of a plat and construction of utilities, financial security will be required as determined by the city engineer.
(Ord. 04-03, passed 2-24-2003)
   As part of the final plat, the following private improvements shall be required where applicable to a new subdivision:
   (1)   Where public sewer and water facilities are not available for extension into the proposed subdivision, the city may permit the use of individual water and sewer systems in accordance with city and state regulations, as may be amended;
   (2)   Communal or shared on-site sewage and water systems may be allowed within a subdivision provided:
      (a)   All on-site communal sewage treatment systems shall conform to the performance standards of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Standards for Sewage Treatment Systems, Minn. Rules, Ch. 7080, as amended from time to time;
      (b)   All subdivision proposals shall be reviewed by the city for suitability of platted lots to accommodate communal sewage treatment systems and water systems;
      (c)   A communal sewage system shall include a community management plan that is controlled by an entity with the authority to bill system users for the costs of maintenance, management, operation and repair of the system. The community management plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the city; and
      (d)   Subdivisions with communal sewage treatment systems shall reserve land area for a replacement system.
   (3)   Required landscaping, buffer yards and tree preservation shall be installed and maintained in accordance with plans approved by the city.
(Ord. 04-03, passed 2-24-2003; Am. Ord. 02-09, passed 2-23-2009.)
   All public improvements for new subdivisions shall be financed and secured in accordance with public improvement financing policies of Lino Lakes, as may be amended.
(Ord. 04-03, passed 2-24-2003)
   The following utility area and unit charges shall be collected with any new subdivisions in accordance with the public improvement financing policy of Lino Lakes, as may be amended:
   (1)   Trunk sewer area and unit charges;
   (2)   Trunk water main area and unit charges; and
   (3)   Surface water management planning (SWMP) and storm sewer trunk (SST) charges.
(Ord. 04-03, passed 2-24-2003)