   210.01   Establishment of commissions
   210.02   Members and terms
   210.03   Compensation
   210.04   Meetings
   210.05   Duties and authority
   210.06   Scope
   210.07   Application of state laws
   The Council may from time to time find it necessary to establish advisory fact-finding bodies to aid the Council in specific areas. These bodies shall be called "commissions" and shall be established by ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 210.01)
   (1)   Number. The commissions may consist of seven members or any other number of members established in the authorizing resolution.
   (2)   Residency. Members of commissions shall be residents of the city.
   (3)   Terms of office. Members' terms of office shall be for three years commencing January 1 in the year following the enabling resolution except that the terms of the first set of members on any commission shall be staggered so that no more than one-half of the total number of members on any commission shall expire in any one year.
   (4)   Removal. Members may be removed prior to the end of their term only by two-thirds vote of all Council members. Any member missing three consecutive board or commission meetings or more than one-third of the meetings held within the calendar year shall be subject to removal.
   (5)   Appointments and vacancies. Members of commissions shall be appointed by the Mayor with Council approval. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term, through appointment by the Mayor with Council approval.
   (6)   Chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary. Each commission shall have a chairperson, vice-chairperson and a secretary appointed by the Council whose term shall expire each December 31. The secretary need not be a member of the commission.
(Prior Code, § 210.02)
   Except as provided elsewhere in this code, members of commissions shall serve without compensation.
(Prior Code, § 210.03)
§ 210.04 MEETINGS.
   (1)   Frequency. Meetings shall be a minimum of once per month or may be called by the chairperson or set by the Council as often as necessary to accomplish the duties of the commission.
   (2)   Quorum. Fifty-one percent of any commission shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business except that when required by statute or by Chapter 202 a two-thirds vote of all commission members shall be required.
   (3)   Rules of conduct. All commissions shall operate in accordance with the procedures established by Chapter 202.
(Prior Code, § 210.04)
   (1)   Duties. Commissions shall review all business items that come before them in relation to all city ordinances and policies that exist at the time the business comes to their agenda.
   (2)   Effect. The decisions of any commission shall be considered advisory only and all final decisions shall rest with the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 210.05)
§ 210.06 SCOPE. 
   Chapter 210 shall apply to all advisory commissions currently existing or hereafter created unless specifically excluded by Council resolution.
(Prior Code, § 210.06)