(a)    A local alarm is an alarm that is not connected to the police emergency panel or to a central alarm station, and which, when activated, sounds a horn, bell, buzzer or other type of audible alarm.
   (b)    A permit shall be required for the installation of a local alarm if the sound created by the alarm is audible beyond the premises served. The Mayor or his authorized representative shall issue a permit for such an alarm upon proper application, provided the intensity of sound does not exceed sixty-five decibels at any location outside the premises being served.
   (c)    "Central alarm station system" means a facility operated by an alarm dealer for the purpose of receiving alarm signals from a subscriber and relaying information concerning such signals to the Police Department for response to the scene. Central alarm system subscribers shall be required to obtain a permit for the installation of a central alarm station system.
(Ord. 86-10. Passed 11-5-86.)