   115.01   Established
   115.02   Market Manager
§ 115.01  ESTABLISHED.      
   There is hereby established in the City of Linn Creek a marketplace to be known as the Farmers Market for the sale of produce, processed, packaged or prepared food and crafts. Products and services are subject to the procedures and regulations hereinafter set forth by the rules and regulations, identified as Exhibit A, and vendor contracts, identified as Exhibit B, which have been ratified by the Board. A copy of the agreement is attached to Ord. 17-011 and made a part of this chapter, identified as Exhibit A and Exhibit B.
(Ord. 17-011, passed 3-30-2018)
   There shall be a Market Manager appointed by the Board of Aldermen who shall have general responsibility for the administration of the market and promulgation and enforcement of rules and regulations for the operation of the market. A Farmer Market Board may be established at a later date to make recommendations to the Board of Aldermen.
(Ord. 17-011, passed 3-30-2018)