(A) The village may require a user of sewer services to provide information needed to determine compliance with this chapter. These requirements may include:
(1) Wastewater discharge peak rate and volume over a specified time period;
(2) Chemical analyses of wastewaters;
(3) Information on raw materials, processes, and products affecting wastewater volume and quality;
(4) Quantity and disposition of specific liquid, sludge, oil, solvent, or other materials important to sewer use control;
(5) A plot plan of sewers for the user’s property showing sewer and pretreatment facility location;
(6) Details of wastewater pretreatment facilities; and
(7) Details of systems to prevent and control the losses of materials through spills to the municipal sewer.
(B) The applicant for wastewater service under an agreement pursuant to this chapter shall agree to assume user charges, industrial waste charges, and capital surcharge, if applicable, and to obtain from the village the proper building permit by which the connection is allowed and the discharge permit, if applicable, which indicates what discharge will be made to the treatment system.
(Ord. 44, passed - -93)