(A)   A licensed disposer may make application to the Sewer Department to dispose of septage to the village wastewater facilities. The Sewer Department may deny acceptance of septage disposal during the period April 16 to November 14 if the Department determines that the disposal shall have a detrimental effect on the operation of the wastewater facilities, or to any disposal which the Department believes would cause the wastewater facility to exceed its operating capacity, or violate its WPDES permit requirements.
   (B)   The disposer shall make a written application containing, as a minimum, the following information:
      (1)   The name of the disposer, and license number;
      (2)   The name, address, and telephone number of the disposer;
      (3)   The type of septage, and source(s);
      (4)   Estimates of quantities and disposal dates (by type); and
      (5)   A statement certifying:
         (a)   The septage contains no known toxic substances; and
         (b)   The disposer is familiar with and understands the Department requirements for septage disposal.
   (C)   The Sewer Department may require the disposer to provide an analysis of the septage, prepared by a certified laboratory.
   (D)   The Sewer Department may require the disposer to post a bond or other financial guarantee that the disposer will comply with the Sewer Department’s requirements.
(Ord. 44, passed - -93)