The MH-1 District is intended to provide a pleasant and safe neighborhood but not as spacious as the R-1 District.
   (A)   Permitted uses are:
       (1)   Mobile homes; and
      (2)   Single Family residences, provided the specifications of the R-1 District are met.
   (B)   Uses authorized by conditional permit are the same as the R-1 District.
   (C)   Specifications for the MH-1 Zoning District.
Maximum building height
35 feet
Side yard setback
Principal building: 20 feet total (10 feet each side)
Accessory building: 8 feet on each side
Front yard setback
30 feet from a public street
Rear yard setback
Principal building: 30 feet
Accessory building: 8 feet on each side
      (1)   All other specifications shall be according to Chapter SPS 326, Wisconsin Administrative Code.
      (2)   All mobile homes located in a mobile home park must be anchored and must be skirted with materials compatible with the siding on the mobile home within 60 days of locating the mobile homes on the lot.
(Ord. passed 5-12-04)