(A)   Selection; historic preservation plan. For preservation purposes, the Historic Preservation Commission shall select geographically defined areas within the village to be designated as historic districts and shall prepare a historic preservation plan for each area. A historic district may be designated for any geographic area of particular historic, architectural, or cultural significance to the village, after application of the criteria in § 152.15. Each historic preservation plan prepared for or by the Historic Preservation Commission shall include a cultural and architectural analysis supporting the historic significance of the area, the specific guidelines for development, and a statement of preservation objectives.
   (B)   Review and adoption procedure.
      (1)   Historic Preservation Commission. The Historic Preservation Commission shall hold a public hearing when considering the plan for a historic district. Notice of the time, place, and purpose of the public hearing shall be sent by the Village Clerk-Treasurer to the Village President and Village Trustees in which the historic district is located, and the owners of record, as listed in the office of the Village Assessor, who are owners of the property within the proposed historic district or are situated in whole or in part within 200 feet of the boundaries of the proposed historic district. This notice is to be sent at least ten days prior to the date of the public hearing. Following the public hearing, the Historic Preservation Commission shall vote to recommend, reject, or withhold action on the plan.
      (2)   Village Board. The Village Board, upon receipt of the recommendations from the Historic Preservation Commission, shall hold a public hearing, notice to be given as noted in division (B)(1) above, and shall, following the public hearing, either designate or reject the historic district. Designation of the historic district shall constitute adoption of the plan prepared for that district and direct the implementation of that plan.
(Ord. 73, passed 12-5-96)