(A)   The tentative plat shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, where they apply. Plats of vacation shall be prepared in accordance with § 158.08 of this chapter.
   (B)   Each plat shall be drawn to a scale of 100 feet to one inch. Variations in scale may be made, where necessary for a proper exhibit of a subdivision.
   (C)   All section lines, quarter section lines, and other data, pertinent to a proper subdivision shall be shown.
   (D)   The tentative plat shall show width of existing roads, streets with their names, alleys, lots, building lines on property proposed to be subdivided, full width of streets bounding subdivisions, and width and names of intersecting streets in property adjacent; also the names and location of existing streets, roads, easements, lots, and property and building lines, including dimension for at least 300 feet beyond the limits of the proposed subdivision.
   (E)   Name of proposed subdivision and name of owner, owners, or trustee, or name of sponsors for the plat, shall be shown. A brief description of the property to be subdivided shall be shown as a part of the title.
   (F)   Names of all adjoining subdivisions shall be included, and adjoining property not subdivided shall be marked "Not Subdivided."
   (G)   The tentative plat when submitted to the Board shall have the proper certificates attached of the Engineer, Plan Commission (where necessary), and of the Board.
   (H)   The approval of a tentative plat by the committee shall not relieve the subdivider of the necessity for compliance with Section 7 of "An Act in Relation to the Regulation of the Rivers, Lakes, and Streams of the State of Illinois," as adopted and amended by the state General Assembly.
   (I)   The location of all wetlands and trees of six inches in diameter or greater shall be identified. Efforts shall be made to preserve wetlands and existing trees having a diameter of six inches or greater. Any wetlands or trees so identified that are not to be preserved shall be duly noted and the reason for their not being preserved shall be fully explained.
(Ord. 1957-0-15, passed 8-12-57; Am. Ord. 87-12-664, passed 12-14-87) Penalty, see § 158.99