(A)   A petition in triplicate shall be filed with the Board setting forth the subdivision or part thereof, or street, alley, easement, or part thereof, to be vacated. The petition shall be on forms similar to those on file in the office of the County Superintendent of Highways. The petition shall be signed by all interested parties, in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Compiled Statutes as they pertain to vacations.
   (B)   The petition shall be accompanied by the following plats and documents:
      (1)   A plat in triplicate of the subdivision, on which there shall be shown the part thereof, or street, alley, easement, or part thereof to be vacated.
      (2)   A certificate signed by the County clerk certifying that there are no delinquent general taxes, and no redeemable tax sales against any of the land included in the property to be vacated.
      (3)   A deed of vacation.
   (C)   The Board shall determine if any public or private rights or privileges are affected by the proposed vacation.
   (D)   The Board may require the petitioners to furnish bond in an amount to be determined by the Board indemnifying the Village for any suit which may be filed for damages sustained by other owner(s) dues to the vacation.
   (E)   The Board require that the Village be reimbursed by the owner(s) of property abutting a street, alley, easement, or part thereof, to be vacated, in an amount which shall be equal to the benefits which will accrue to the owner(s) by reason of the vacation.
(Ord. 57-0-15, passed 8-12-57)