It shall be the duty of every person licensed to conduct a barber shop to keep the licensed premises in a clean and proper sanitary condition at all times. All necessary measures shall be taken to safeguard properly the life and health of patrons and all persons engaged therein against communicable and contagious diseases. No person shall be permitted to be employed or engaged in the shaving, hair cutting or related work on patrons who shall be afflicted with any communicable or contagious disease. All persons employed or working in the licensed premises as barbers shall keep themselves and their clothing clean, and shall be required to wash their hands immediately before serving a customer. All towels and washcloths shall be washed with soap and water and boiled before being used. It shall be unlawful to use any towel or washcloth on more than one customer without first having sterilized and cleaned the implement or tool. There shall be provided separate receptacles for soiled towels and separate receptacles for discarded shaving and other paper.
(Ord. 80-4-422, passed 4-14-80)