For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BUILDING MATERIAL SCRAPS. Scrap building material from the construction, reconstruction, remodeling or repair of a building, walkway, driveway, sign and other structure, including but not limited to, excavated earth, tree stumps, rocks, gravel, bricks, plaster, concrete, lumber or any other similar material used in construction or the containers or wrappings therefor.
CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS. Building material from the construction, reconstruction, remodeling or repair of a building, house, walkway, driveway, sign and other structure, including but not limited to, excavated earth, tree stumps, rocks, gravel, bricks, plaster, concrete, shingles, metal, carpet, lumber or any other similar material used in construction or the containers or wrappings thereof.
ELECTRONIC. Small appliances, computers, printers, stereos, TV's, monitors, microwaves, VCR/DVD, and the like.
GARBAGE. All putrescible wastes, including animal and vegetable matter, animal offal and carcasses and recognizable industrial by-products, but excluding sewage and human wastes.
REFUSE. All nonputrescible wastes. (Not decayable, putrefiable or spoilable).
SOLID WASTE. Garbage, refuse, rubbish, trash and other discarded solid materials, including solid waste materials resulting from homes, businesses, industrial, commercial and agricultural operations and from community activities, but does not include solids or dissolved materials in domestic sewage or other significant pollutants in water resources, such as silt, dissolved or suspended solids in industrial wastewater effluents, dissolved materials in irrigation return flows or other common water pollutants.
TREE TRIMMINGS. Tree limbs, leaves, shrubbery trimmings and cuttings and all other trimmings from the natural growth of trees, shrubbery, weeds, plants or grass.
(Prior Code, § 8-150) (Ord. O-02-05, passed 6-2-2005; Ord. O-07-17, passed 6-29-2017)
It shall be unlawful to burn or set fire to or bury any garbage for the purpose of disposal. In addition, it shall be unlawful to bury any refuse for the purpose of disposal unless a permit therefor has been granted by the State Environmental Management Commission.
(Prior Code, § 8-152) Penalty, see § 50.99
All garbage and refuse shall be collected and placed in containers as required by this chapter and it shall be unlawful for any person to permit garbage or refuse to accumulate or remain on any premises longer than is reasonably necessary to remove and deposit same in approved containers as required herein.
(Prior Code, § 8-153) Penalty, see § 50.99
(A) (1) The city will issue one 96 gallon solid waste roll out cart to all residentially metered addresses. All solid waste collected must be placed in the new cart. Bags, boxes or other smaller containers outside of the cart will not be picked up.
(2) If your solid waste exceeds the 96 gallon city issued cart, you have the option of purchasing another cart that must meet the operating standards of the city's solid waste vehicles. The city may provide carts for purchase if sufficient inventory is on hand. Otherwise, this must be done through business providers. The city will not be able to collect waste stored in containers not meeting these standards. Any questions you may have regarding the purchase of a proper cart may be directed to the city public works department at (704) 736-8940. All containers shall be kept in a reasonably clean manner.
(3) Commercial and nonprofit accounts must comply with requirements within Chapter 50 to be eligible for service.
(4) The city will provide city will issue and service up to six roll outs per parcel for eligible commercial and nonprofit accounts.
(5) Downtown commercial and nonprofit solid waste services shall be determined on an individual basis considering site limitations for automated pickup.
(6) Parcels such as shopping centers, apartments, and the like will be evaluated on a case by case basis considering accessibility, liability and size concerns subject to the following criteria:
(a) Apartments - maximum of six roll outs per parcel or one roll out per two doors (maximum of 20) in an area designated by the city. Complex with over 40 units not eligible for service.
(b) Shopping centers - Class A (under 10,000 square feet)- maximum of six roll outs per parcel or one roll out per door (max of ten) in an area designated by the city.
(c) Shopping centers - Class B (10,000 - 50,000 square feet)or C-6 (over 10,000) - maximum of six roll outs per parcel or one roll out per door (maximum of 15) in an area designated by the city.
(d) Shopping centers - Class C (over 50,000 sqare feet) - no service provided.
(7) Collection is limited to one day per week for roll out containers.
(B) City-provided containers. When the city provides a container to a residentially metered address, only solid waste in the container shall be collected. Solid waste that is not in the containers shall not be placed at curbside for pickup. Solid waste must be placed in a plastic bag prior to being placed in the container. Construction, demolition, dirt, rocks, bricks, yard waste or hot ashes shall not be placed into the container. Residents may purchase another container that must be equipped with the appropriate tipper connection mechanism, that must be approved by the city. All containers shall be kept in a reasonably clean manner.
(Prior Code, § 8-154) (Ord. O-02-05, passed 6-2-2005; Ord. O-11-14, passed 12-5-2014; Ord. O-07-17, passed 6-29-2017) Penalty, see § 50.99