(a) Lincoln Park Alive! Strategic Plan 2015 is hereby adopted as an amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan cited in Section 271.30
Acceptance of Plan. A copy of Lincoln Park Alive! Strategic Plan 2015 and the Amended and Restated Development Plan cited in Section 271.30
shall be maintained on file in the City Clerk’s office and is available for inspection and distribution.
(b) That “APPENDIX B, DDA DISTRICT: LIST OF PARCEL OWNERSHIP IDENTIFICATION” in the Amended and Restated Tax Increment Financing Plan cited in Section 271.30 Acceptance of Plan shall be amended to include the following parcels as “In the DDA Dev Area”:
(1) # 20: Property # 45-006-06-0224
(2) # 21: Property #45-006-06-0226
(3) # 297: Property # 45-009-05-0001
(4) # 298: Property # 45-009-05-0006
(5) #328: Property # 45-009-08-0019
(c) Proposed programs/projects within the DDA Boundary as per Section 271.07 Downtown District Defined shall include:
(1) The development and operation of business incubators in the 1100 block (west side) and 2200 block (eastside) of Fort Street ($500,000);
(2) The development of an outdoor fitness center at 1556-1562 Fort Street ($250,000);
(3) The acquisition, rehabilitation, redevelopment, and/or disposition through lease or sale of any vacant buildings or vacant land ($1,000,000);
(4) Activation of various public sites and spaces throughout the Downtown on publicly owned parcels or parcels located identified as "In the DDA Dev Area" and assistance to private sector businesses to activate public spaces along street and roadway corridors for outdoor dining, seating and/or congregation ($250,000);
(5) Housing development on the second and third stories of existing buildings, on vacant lots and surplus parking lots, and in proposed mixed-use developments ($1,000,000);
(6) A permanent City Market facility ($1,000,000); and
(7) Southfield Road/Fort Street multi-modal improvements ($3,500,000).
(d) The Amended and Restated Tax Increment Financing Plan cited in Section 271.30 Acceptance of Plan shall be amended and remain in effect through December 31, 2041 or until such time all projects authorized by the Authority are completed. Also, said Amended and Restated Tax Increment Financing Plan shall include and may utilize “project-specific" tax increment financing to support private sector development and redevelopment projects. A copy of the Amended and Restated Tax Increment Financing Plan cited in Section 271.30 shall be maintained on file in the City Clerk’s office and is available for inspection and distribution.
(Res. 2022-079A. Passed 3-21-22.)