Upon full compliance by the applicant with the terms and conditions set forth in Sections 826.02 through 826.04, the City Clerk shall issue to the applicant a license to engage in business within the City under the terms and conditions of this chapter, and at the same time the City Clerk shall issue one pocket card, of a design to be changed each year, bearing the number of the license and the words "Food Truck Operator License, City of Lincoln Park," which card must at all times be carried by the licensee while he or she is engaged in the conduct of his or her business within the City. A sticker shall be issued to any vehicle used by the licensee after passing inspection under Section 826.03(b), and after paying an inspection fee as set from time to time by Council resolution. Such sticker shall be prominently displayed on such vehicle.
(Res. 2021-100A. Passed 4-19-21.)