Code Official of Building Department and/or his or her authorized representative shall serve as ordinance officers for purposes of enforcement of this chapter and shall be authorized to issue notices, orders, violations and court appearance tickets relative to violations of this chapter.
   (a)   If any owner of any rental dwelling fails to comply with the registration requirements specified herein. The certificate of compliance may be suspended or revoked.
   (b)   If any owner of any rental dwelling fails to comply with the inspection requirements specified herein after being properly notified, additional enforcement action may be taken. If the order is not promptly complied with, each dwelling unit contained therein shall be posted with a notice requiring that the occupant of the unit provide entry for inspection purposes at a specified date and time.
   (c)   If any owner of any rental dwelling fails to correct the violations identified in the inspection report, as required by this chapter, the certificate of compliance may be revoked, and the owner/responsible agent may be subject to additional fines or other enforcement action.
(Emergency Manager Order No. 38. Ordered 8-11-15.)