(a)   The Code Official of the Building Department and such other code enforcement officials as the Code Official may designate are hereby authorized to make inspections of rental dwellings, occupied or unoccupied, as follows:
      (1)   Prior to the sale thereof.
      (2)   Upon identification of external violations documented by the Code Official or upon receipt of a complaint registered by a tenant, resident and/or neighborhood association if, after investigation, the Code Official determines that such inspections are reasonably required to accomplish the intent of this chapter; and
      (3)   Every dwelling unit shall be inspected at least once every three years.
   (b)   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Subsection (b) was repealed by Resolution 97-323, passed June 9, 1997.)
   (c)   All owners, agents, representatives and tenants shall comply with inspection requests of the Code Official and such other code enforcement officials as are provided for in subsection (a) hereof.
   (d)   Right of entry: Where it is necessary to make an inspection to enforce the provisions of this code, or whenever the code official has reasonable cause to believe that there exists in a structure or upon a premises a condition in violation of this code, the code official is authorized to enter the structure or premises at reasonable times to inspect or perform the duties imposed by this code, provided that if such structure or premises is occupied the code official shall present credentials to the occupant and request entry. If such structure or premises is unoccupied, the code official shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other person having charge or control of the structure or premises and request entry. If entry is refused, the code official shall have recourse to the remedies provided by law to secure entry.
(Emergency Manager Order No. 38. Ordered 8-11-15.)