(a)   The owner of a rental dwelling, occupied or unoccupied, shall register with the Building Department his or her name and business address, the location of each dwelling, the number of rental units within such dwelling, a current copy of the owner’s driver’s license and a copy of the resident agent's driver's license when there is a resident agent. Notification of change in ownership or use of any rental dwelling shall be officially provided within thirty days after such change. This requirement does not relieve the registered owner of any such property of the responsibility to fully comply with the inspection, maintenance and code compliance requirements of this chapter.
   (b)   Owners who do not reside within a one hundred mile radius of the City shall appoint a Michigan based resident agent or other responsible party who does reside within a hundred mile radius of the City upon whom notices and services of process may be made.
   (c)   If rental dwellings are managed or operated by an agent or representative, the agent or representative’s name and business address shall be provided to the Building Department. The owner and the agent and or responsible party shall sign the registration form. A copy of the Management Agreement between the owner and the agent or representative must be included with the rental certificate application filed with the Building Department at the time of submission.
   (d)   If the owner is a corporation, the names and addresses of its officers shall be provided. A post office box shall not be used as a legal address for the owner/agent. An actual property address shall be listed on the registration form and the application for the Certificate of Compliance.
   (e)   Any change in address of the owner, agent or representative/responsible party shall be provided by such owner, agent or representative to the Building Department within thirty days of such change.
   (f)   If any rental dwelling is sold, it shall be the obligation of the seller or his or her agent to notify the Building Department, within thirty days, of the name and address of the purchaser. Certificates of Compliance are not transferrable, once the property is sold, the new owner must apply for a new certificate. Correction of identified violations may be assumed by the purchaser if the Building Department is provided with an affidavit of such assumption from the purchaser. This requirement shall not relieve any owner of a rental dwelling of the responsibility to keep registrations current and to comply with every provision of this chapter.
(Emergency Manager Order No. 38. Ordered 8-11-15.)