1288.01 INTENT.
   (a)   The intent of this chapter is to provide, through the use of the planned unit development (PUD) concept, an added degree of flexibility in the density, placement, bulk and interrelation of buildings and uses within Single-Family Residential Districts (SFRD), Multiple-Family Residential Districts (MFRD), Neighborhood Business Districts (NBD), Municipal Business Districts (MBD), Central Business Districts (CBD), and Regional Business Districts (RBD), and the implementation of new design concepts so as to encourage a more efficient and innovative use of land and public services and the preservation of natural features through the use of a unified, flexible, planning approach, while at the same time maintaining adequate amounts of light, air, access and required open space and facilitating the economical provisions of public services and utilities. To further this intent, the respective district regulations may be waived by Council, as part of a PUD, after recommendation of the Planning Commission and as provided for in this chapter. The general boundaries of any PUD approved by Council shall be indicated on the Zoning Map as information for zoning purposes.
(Res. 98-340A. Passed 9-21-98.)
   (b)   The planned unit development shall not be used for the sole purpose of avoiding the requirements for dimensional variances involving uses that would already be permitted in the underlying zoning district(s).
(Res. 06-284A. Passed 7-31-06.)