In a Light Industrial District (LID), any of the following uses are permitted when the manufacturing, compounding or processing is conducted entirely within a completely enclosed building:
   (a)   Wholesale and Warehousing. The sale, at wholesale, or the warehousing, of automotive equipment; dry goods and apparel; groceries and related products; raw farm products, except livestock; electrical goods; hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies; machinery and equipment; tobacco and tobacco products; paper and paper products; furniture and home furnishings; and any commodity, the manufacture of which is permitted in this District.
   (b)   Industrial Establishments.
      (1)   Assembly, fabrication, manufacture, packaging or treatment of food products (excluding butchering and animal slaughtering); candy; pharmaceuticals; drugs; cosmetics and toiletries; hardware and cutlery; musical instruments; optical goods; toys; novelties; electrical instruments and appliances; electronic instruments and devices; electronic consumer products; pottery and figurines or other ceramic products using only previously pulverized clay and kilns fired only by electricity or natural gas; apparel and leather goods; textile goods; and furniture and fixtures.
      (2)   Assembly, fabrication, manufacture or treatment of such products from the following previously prepared materials: bone, canvas, cellophane, cloth, cork, felt, fiber, glass, leather, paper, plastics, precious or semiprecious metals or stones, sheet metal (excluding large stampings, such as automobile fenders or bodies), shell textiles, wax, wire, wood (excluding power saw and planing mills) and yarns.
      (3)   Bakeries (wholesale).
      (4)   Buffing, polishing or electric plating, excluding heat treating furnaces.
      (5)   Central dry cleaning plants and laundries.
      (6)   Research or testing laboratories.
      (7)   Tool and die shops; metal working machine shops involving the use of grinding or cutting tools; manufacturing of tools, dies, jigs and fixtures; publishing; printing or forming of box, carton and cardboard products; and bookbinding, printing, publishing or engraving.
   (c)   Utility Buildings. Public and private utility buildings, telephone exchange buildings, electric transformer stations and substations, gas regulator stations, municipal utility pumping stations, lines, easements, installations and facilities.
   (d)   Public Buildings. Public buildings and service uses not dealing directly with the general public on an individual basis.
   (e)   Automotive Repair Facilities. Automotive and other vehicle repair or service facilities and parking garages and lots, provided any outdoor storage of vehicles is screened in accordance with the standards of Section 1294.28, Screening, if the facility abuts any residentially or commercially zoned property.
   (f)   Wireless Communication Facilities. All wireless communication facilities, including radio and television towers.
   (g)   Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the principal permitted uses set forth in this section.
   (h)   Off-Street Parking and Loading. Off-street parking and loading facilities in accordance with Chapter 1290, Off-Street Parking and Loading.
   (i)   E-Commerce establishments. (Res. 2022-146A. Passed 5-16-22, effective 6-1-22.)
(Res. 98-340A. Passed 9-21-98.)