1272.01 PURPOSES.
The purpose of the Manufactured Housing Residential District (MHRD) is to provide a district where manufactured housing developments and mobile home parks are allowed after special approval for additional variety in housing opportunities and choices in appropriate locations. Manufactured Housing Residential Districts (MHRD) are characterized by structures of a relatively high density which are replaced periodically and dwelling units which are permitted by State law to exist without conforming to local codes and ordinances applicable to other dwelling units.
   Because the Manufactured Housing Residential District (MHRD) possesses site characteristics similar to multiple-family residential development and because they typically develop with private streets and utility systems, thereby creating an interruption in the continuity of the local streets and utility systems, they are not compatible when located in an otherwise single-family area. Therefore, in this Zoning Code, Manufactured Housing Residential Districts (MHRD) are intended to be located so as to provide a transition of use between extensive nonresidential districts (Industrial and Business Districts) and other residentially zoned districts.
(Res. 98-529A. Passed 12-21-98.)