In a Multiple Family Residential District (MFRD), the following uses may be permitted subject to the applicable site design standards of Section 1296.02, Site Design Standards for Uses Permitted After Special Approval, and subject, further, to the approval of Council after recommendation from the Planning Commission, in accordance with the processing procedures of Section 1262.08, Powers of Council Re Special Approvals:
   (a)   Planned unit developments of a predominantly multiple-family residential character in accordance with the standards of Chapter 1288, Planned Unit Developments.
   (b)   Home occupations in which customers or patrons visit the site for the delivery of goods and services.
   (c)   Hospitals, except animal hospitals, hospitals or sanitariums for the care of contagious, mental, drug or liquor addict cases; medical clinics; medical office centers; and dental clinics.
   (d)   Convents, nurses homes and dormitories serving a use permitted in this chapter.
   (e)   Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction work.
(Res. 98-529A. Passed 12-21-98.)