(a)   ZBA Powers. The ZBA may reverse, affirm, vary or modify any order, requirement, decision, or determination presented in a case within the ZBA's jurisdiction, and to that end, shall have all of the powers of the officer, board or commission from whom the appeal is taken, subject to the ZBA's scope of review, as specified in this chapter and/or by law. The ZBA may remand a case for further proceedings and decisions, with or without instructions.
   (b)   Decision Final. A decision by the ZBA shall be considered final as of the meeting at which the decision has been made, and the date of such meeting shall be deemed to be the date of notice of the decision to the applicant. To the extent that decisions are requested or required to be in writing, the minutes of the ZBA meeting and decision, as proposed under supervision of the secretary, shall constitute the written decision.
   (c)   Record of Proceedings. The City administrative staff, under the supervision of the secretary of the ZBA, shall prepare and keep minutes of the ZBA proceedings, showing the findings, decisions, conditions, if any, and votes of each member in each case, including a member's absence or failure to vote. The minutes shall be within the ultimate authority, and shall be the responsibility, of the secretary of the ZBA, and shall be subject to approval of the ZBA. To the extent that a written decision in a case is requested or required, the minutes, prepared under the supervision of the ZBA secretary, along with the plan submitted, shall serve as the written decision, even if the minutes are awaiting final ZBA approval.
   (d)   Appeal of a ZBA Decision. The decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be final. A party aggrieved by the decision may appeal to the circuit court of the county in which the property is located. An appeal of the decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be filed within thirty (30) days after the Zoning Board of Appeals certifies its decision in writing or approves the minutes of its decision. Appeals of decisions of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be subject to the provisions of Section 606 of PA 110 of 2006, as amended.
   (e)   New Application for Variance. If the ZBA denies a request for a variance, the decision of the ZBA shall not be subject to re-consideration for a period of one year, whereupon the applicant may submit a new application for the variance. However, the ZBA may waive the one year period if conditions upon which their original decision was made change, or if information relating to their original decision are found to be incorrect or inaccurate.
(Res. 08-363A. Passed 11-17-08, Eff. 12-3-08.)