The City Council shall have the following responsibilities and authority pursuant to this chapter.
   (a)   Adoption of Zoning Ordinance and Amendments. In accordance with the intent and purposes expressed in the Preamble to this Ordinance, and pursuant to the authority conferred by Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006, as amended, the City Council shall have the authority to adopt this chapter, as well as amendments previously considered by the Planning Commission or at a hearing or as decreed by a court of competent jurisdiction.
   (b)   Review and Approval of Plans.
      (1)   City Council review and approval shall be required for all planned developments, in accordance with Chapter 1288.
      (2)   City Council review and approval shall be required for all conditional rezonings, in accordance with Chapter 1289.
   (c)   Setting of Fees. In accordance with Section 1262.07 and Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006, as amended, the City Council shall have the authority to set all fees for permits, applications, and requests for action pursuant to the regulations set forth in this chapter. In the absence of specific action taken by the City Council to set a fee for a specific permit or application, the appropriate City administrative official shall assess the fee based on the estimated costs of processing and reviewing the permit or application.
   (d)   Approval of Planning Commission Members. In accordance with Michigan Public Act 33 of 2008, as amended, members of the Planning Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.
   (e)   Removal of Planning Commission Members. In accordance with Michigan Public Act 33 of 2008, as amended, members of the Planning Commission may be removed by the Mayor and City Council for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance (i.e. wrong doing, misconduct and failure to perform a duty), generally. Removal proceedings shall take place upon the filing of written charges with the City Clerk. Prior to taking any action to remove a member of the Planning Commission, the Mayor and Council shall conduct a public hearing any such charges.
(Res. 98-529A. Passed 12-21-98; Res. 08-362A. Passed 11-17-08, Eff. 12-3-08.)