(a)   Required. No person shall use or permit the use of any land, building or structure for which a building permit is required, or use or permit to be used any building or structure that was altered, extended, erected, repaired or moved, until the Building Superintendent has issued a certificate of occupancy stating that this Zoning Code has been complied with.
   (b)   Validity. The certificate of occupancy as required in the Building Code for new construction of or renovations to existing buildings and structures shall also constitute the certificates of occupancy as required by this Zoning Code.
   (c)   Existing Buildings. Certificates of occupancy shall be issued for existing buildings, structures or parts thereof, or existing uses of land, if, after inspection, it is found that such buildings, structures or parts thereof, or such uses of land, are in conformity with this Zoning Code.
   (d)   Temporary Certificates. Temporary certificates of occupancy may be issued for a part of a building or structure prior to the occupation of the entire building or structure, provided that such temporary certificate of occupancy shall not remain in force more than six (6) months, nor more than five (5) days after the building or structure is fully completed and ready for occupancy, and provided, further, that such portion of the building or structure is in conformity with this Zoning Code.
   (e)   Records. A record of all certificates of occupancy shall be kept in the office of the Superintendent, and copies of such certificates shall be furnished upon request to a person having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the property involved.
   (f)   Accessory Buildings to Dwellings. Accessory buildings or structures to dwellings shall not require a separate certificate of occupancy, but may be included in the certificate of occupancy for the principal dwelling, building or structure on the same lot, when such accessory buildings or structures are completed at the same time as the principal use.
   (g)   Applications. Certificates of occupancy shall be applied for, in writing, to the Superintendent, on forms provided by the Superintendent, and shall be issued within five (5) days after the receipt of such application if it is found that the building, structure or part thereof, or that the use of land, is in accordance with this Zoning Code. If such certificate is refused for cause, the applicant shall be notified of such refusal and the cause thereof within such five (5)-day period.
   (h)   Nonconforming Buildings and Uses. See Section 1292.13, Certificates of Occupancy; Records, for provisions regarding certificates of occupancy for nonconforming buildings and uses.
(Res. 98-529A. Passed 12-21-98.)