No building, place or lot for junk, rags, old rope, paper, bagging, old iron, brass, copper, tin, bottles, salvage parts of old automobiles, old lumber, house wrecking material, slush, lead or like articles shall be established in the City unless the owner, operator or person in control, prior to such establishment, secures permission to establish the same. Such permission shall be granted by resolution of Council. In no event shall any such building, place or lot be so established where sixty-five percent or more of the property owners within a radius of one City block of such premises object, in writing, to the establishment of the same. No junk shall be stored or kept on any open lot or space, unless the licensee, or someone in his or her behalf, erects a tight-board fence eight feet high surrounding the same, which fence shall be painted and kept properly maintained.
(1979 Code Sec. 5.68.070)