(a)   An application for a license for the sale of Christmas trees shall be filed with the City Clerk and presented to the Mayor and Council at the next regular meeting immediately following the filing thereof.
   (b)   The application shall set forth the name and address of the applicant, the location of the premises on which the sale of trees is to be conducted, the size of the premises and a statement as to whether or not it is in connection with or adjacent to a building in which the applicant operates another business.
   (c)   A minimum deposit of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall accompany the application, which deposit shall be a guarantee that the premises shall be left in the condition they were prior to the sale of trees, that all debris will be removed from the premises and that all unsold Christmas trees will be removed from the premises. The minimum deposit may be increased in amount by resolution of the Mayor and Council at the time the application for the license is being considered. On finding that the area licensed has been put in satisfactory condition, Council shall order the return of the deposit. If trees have not been removed from the premises by December 28, the Department of Public Works and Public Services shall remove the same and inform the Mayor and Council of the cost of removal, and the Mayor and Council shall order the same deducted from the deposit provided for and order the balance of the deposit, if any, returned.
   (d)   A license fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) shall accompany each application for a license. However, no license fee shall be required of any applicant who is the operator of a nursery licensed by the City.
(1979 Code Sec. 5.72.030)