The following standards are hereby adopted to serve as guidelines in those instances where Council's recommendation is sought relative to the issuance, renewal, nonrenewal or revocation of entertainment permits, Sunday sales permits, dance permits and SDM licenses in connection with Class C licensed establishments, which standards or guidelines will be considered by Council, when applicable, in cases which are brought before it:
   (a)   Violations of health or safety ordinances;
   (b)   Maintenance of a nuisance or such conditions which may contribute to or be conducive to the existence of a nuisance;
   (c)   Examination of the area affected by an establishment to determine the existence of or potential for problems relating to:
      (1)   Loitering;
      (2)   Littering;
      (3)   Boisterous or loud conduct disruptive of the peace of the area;
      (4)   Parking congestion or problems relating to parking conditions which the Police Department believes would be detrimental to public safety and welfare;
      (5)   Problems relating to traffic flow which the Police Department believes would be detrimental to public safety and welfare; and
      (6)   Disturbances in the area;
   (d)   The number of Police Department responses to calls, and other runs made by the Department, to or near the establishment under consideration, the reasons for such responses by the Department and a comparison of the number of such responses to similar establishments;
   (e)   The history of an applicant's compliance with applicable State laws, City ordinances and rules and regulations of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission;
   The adequacy and layout of the premises as they relate to the license or permit being sought; and
   (g)   Any other information which may be peculiar to a particular establishment and which may have an effect upon the public health, safety and welfare.
   As to entertainment permits, the desire and intention of Council is to limit them in number to one per 6,000 population according to the last published Federal census. This limitation is deemed reflective of the size of the Police Department and, consequently, its ability to properly police the subject establishments.
(Res. 85-61. Passed 1-28-85.)