(a)   No person shall place, deposit, throw, scatter or leave in any street, highway, lane, alley, public place or square, or on the private property of another, any grass clippings, bush trimmings, leaves, refuse, waste or other such materials, except in accordance with rules established by the Superintendent of Public Works.
   (b)   No person shall transport or dump any refuse or other waste material in such a manner as to cause the littering of any stream, public place or private property of another, or to cause the obstruction of any ditch, drain, culvert or gutter.
(1979 Code Sec. 8.20.030)
   (c)   No person shall litter or permit to be littered on any of the streets, alleys, sidewalks, drains, drainage easements or other public places within the City, by throwing, depositing, dripping, dumping or spilling, any trash, paper, dirt, mud, ashes, sand, glass, leaves, garbage, rubbish, debris or other materials, or deposit or cause the same to be deposited upon, or permit the same to be accumulated upon, any premises other than those designated as official City dumps or refuse containers.
   (d)   No person shall discharge any commercial or industrial water or any polluted or contaminated waste upon the sidewalks, streets, alleys or gutters within the City at any time.
   (e)   No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited, or sort, scatter or leave, any rubbish, earth, ashes, cinders, sawdust, hay, glass, manure, filth, paper, dirt, grass, leaves, twigs, shrubs, garbage or other waste material, or build or maintain any structure or things whatsoever for containing the same, in any public street, alley or property of the City. However, clean domestic ashes, free of glass, tin cans and other waste materials, may, with the permission of the Superintendent of Public Works, be spread upon an alley if, in the opinion of the Superintendent, such spreading of ashes will improve the condition of the alley.
   (f)   No person shall assist, aid, abet or encourage any person to violate this section.
(Res. 86-478. Passed 6-30-86.)
   (g)   No person shall deposit his or her rubbish on another person's property or make use of any garbage can, dumpster or trash receptacle belonging to another person or business entity in the City. For the purpose of this section, "use" includes the dumping, unloading, disposing or placing of rubbish in such receptacle or leaving his or her own trash containers, trash bags or other garbage on another person's property. This section does not apply to public rubbish cans placed for the disposal of litter throughout the City.
(Res. 94-485. Passed 8-15-94.)