662.07 TRESPASS.
   (a)   Private Property. No person shall willfully enter upon the lands, or any enclosed or improved real estate or premises, of another, without lawful authority after having been forbidden to do so by the owner or occupant, or by his or her agent or servant, or, without lawful authority, neglect or refuse to depart therefrom.
   Further, all delivery personnel, including letter carriers, whether employed by a private firm or a governmental agency or government-supported corporation, shall use sidewalks and accepted and approved walkways, and shall refrain from traversing lawns or other private property not normally used as a walkway by the general public, in order to effect delivery, after being placed on notice by the owner of said residential private property to refrain from traversing or crossing on his or her lawn or other private property.
   The posting of the following words or a combination thereof shall be deemed to provide adequate notice:
   NOTICE: 1) Keep off the grass. 2) Do not cut across the grass. 3) Use the sidewalk for deliveries.
   Notice shall be posted in a conspicuous location near the mailbox or other place of delivery at said residential private property. Notice shall be in printed block letters clearly legible from the public sidewalk.
(Res. 91-482. Passed 7-29-91.)
   (b)   School Property.
      (1)   Hours of restrictions. No person shall willfully enter upon lands or premises in the City owned by the School District of the City and used as or in conjunction with a public school, except with the permission of the School District or its authorized agent or servant, between 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of the following day from June 15 through September 15, or between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of the following day from September 16 through June 14 of each calendar year, where appropriate signs have been posted at least every 100 feet on frontage of such property facing a public street.
(1979 Code Sec. 9.68.020)
   (c)   Individual Delivery, Sales, Newspaper and Postal Personnel.
      (1)   The City of Lincoln Park does hereby affirm its intention to diligently prosecute all individuals who trespass or enter onto the private property and unpaved areas of its homeowners after being duly warned to do so, and to further prosecute those who enter onto the private areas without lawful authority.
      (2)   The employer, its manager, agents or other supervisory personnel shall be subject to prosecution under these Codified Ordinances as an aider and abettor should the same either order or encourage the wanton trespass onto the private areas of the homeowners of the City of Lincoln Park upon the making of a prima-facie case of the lack of lawful authority or the presence of notice to refrain from cutting across the grass or entering onto the unpaved or unimproved areas of Lincoln Park homeowners.
(Res. 91-304. Passed 5-13-91.)