(a)   Authority. Any person may, and the Poundmaster and every police officer of the City shall, seize any animal running at large in the City in violation of this chapter. Such animal so seized shall be put into the pound or delivered into the possession of the Poundmaster. (1979 Code Sec. 6.12.020)
   (b)   Generally. When any animal has been impounded in accordance with this section, the Poundmaster shall shelter, care for, feed and water the same until the same is released or otherwise disposed of as provided in this section. No animal shall be released from the pound unless the owner pays the Poundmaster the fee required to be paid for the care, custody and feeding of such animal and, in the case of a dog, procures a license for the dog in the manner required by State law and this chapter, if such dog has not already been duly licensed.
(1979 Code Sec. 6.12.030)
   (c)   Disposition of Animals.
      (1)   Any animal not claimed and released within four days after its acquisition shall be destroyed or ordered for sale by the Poundmaster. If a dog or cat has a collar, license or other evidence of ownership, the Poundmaster shall notify the owner, in writing, and disposition of the animal shall not be made within seven days from the date of mailing the notice.
      (2)   The Poundmaster shall maintain a record on each identifiable dog or cat acquired, indicating a basic description of the animal, the date it was acquired and under what circumstances and the date of notice sent to the owner of any animal and subsequent disposition.
      (3)   All fees collected by the Poundmaster under this section shall be paid to the City Treasurer and shall be credited to the General Fund, and all operating expenses of the pound shall be paid out of the General Fund in the manner provided for the payment of general expenses of the City.
      (4)   Any dog that may be impounded shall not be released from the pound until such time as the owner of the dog supplies to the person in charge of the pound satisfactory evidence that the dog has been immunized from rabies.
(1979 Code Sec. 6.12.040)
   (d)   Fees. No animal shall be released from the pound unless the owner or person entitled to demand the same pays to the person in charge of the pound a fee which shall be prescribed from time to time by Council resolution for the care, custody and feeding of such animal while in custody, and procures a proper license for such animal if such animal has not already been duly licensed. (Res. 80-548. Passed 6-23-80; Res. 2019-029A. Passed 2-2-19.)
   (e)   Records; Reports. The Poundmaster shall keep a book in which he or she shall enter as minutely as possible a full description of any animal impounded under this section, the locality from which it was taken, the name of the owner when known or when ascertained and the date and hour when impounded. At the end of each calendar month the Poundmaster shall make a full report to the Chief of Police of all his or her doings and of all moneys collected by him or her under this section, and the receipts received from the City Treasurer shall accompany such report.
(1979 Code Sec. 6.12.080)
   (f)   Interference with Poundmaster or Police Officers. No person shall hinder, obstruct or delay the Poundmaster or any member of the Police Department or other person who is engaged in lawfully taking into custody any animal found running at large or being possessed or harbored by any person contrary to this chapter.
(1979 Code Sec. 6.12.090)