(a)   No owner or other person having the possession, care, custody or control of any animal shall fail to provide such animal with sufficient, good food and water daily, proper shelter and protection from the weather, defined as fully enclosed sides, with proper ingress and egress, and a floor and roof, with clean dry hay or blankets for warmth, veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering and humane care and treatment. No person shall beat, cruelly ill-treat, torment, overload, overwork or otherwise abuse any animal. (Res. 2019-029A. Passed 2-2-19.)
   (b)   No person shall throw or deposit poisoned meat or any poison or harmful substance in any street, alley or public place, or on any private premises, in the City, for the purpose of destroying any animal. However, a person may expose on his or her own property common rodent or insect poison.
(1979 Code Sec. 6.04.070)