(a)   The Superintendent of Public Works is authorized to temporarily prohibit parking on any City street or public place, in his or her opinion:
      (1)   When the same is necessary to assist in the progress and completion of public projects;
      (2)   When a temporary emergency exists;
      (3)   On certain days, which days shall coincide with the street cleaning program in the City, between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.; and
      (4)   When such action is deemed by the Superintendent to be necessary to protect the public health or the safety of persons or property.
   (b)   When the Superintendent acts under paragraph (a)(3) hereof, he or she shall post or cause to be posted, in the affected area, signs containing the following language:
         NO PARKING         NO PARKING
         (Insert day of the week)      (Insert day of the week)
         8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.      12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
   (c)   When polling places are open for voting on a primary election or election day, the posted restrictions described under subsection (b) hereof shall not be applicable within 500 feet of the polling place, and such signs shall be accordingly masked.
(Res. 81-506. Passed 6-29-81.)