The provisions of this chapter and the ME Health Benefits Fund shall be construed to be a fund separate and distinct from the City and all other agencies and funds of the City. The assets of the ME Health Benefits Fund shall be held for the express purpose of providing health benefits for the exclusive benefit of employees, retirees, retirees' spouses, beneficiaries and health insurance dependents pursuant to this chapter, and the administration expense of this chapter, and no part thereof may be diverted for any other purpose. No part of the assets of the ME Health Benefits Fund shall revert to the City prior to the satisfaction of all liabilities under this chapter to provide health benefits to employees, retirees, retirees' spouses, beneficiaries and health insurance dependents. The City shall immediately offer each collective bargaining unit a contract provision or a memorandum of understanding which incorporates this chapter as a collective bargaining agreement provision. Subject to Section 295.15, no substantive changes to this chapter may be made without the approval of all applicable collective bargaining units.
(Res. 94-717. Passed 12-19-94.)