(a)   The Mayor, with the approval of Council, shall appoint a Director of Emergency Management who shall be a person with the personal attributes, experience and training needed to coordinate the activities of the agencies, departments and individuals in the City to protect the public health, safety and welfare during emergency situations and disasters.
   (b)   Assistant Coordinators shall be designated to work with the Director on emergency planning matters. Assistant Coordinators shall be selected and shall serve as follows:
      (1)   There shall be one such Assistant Coordinator appointed from each City department, as designated by the department head, with the approval of the Mayor, as part of the emergency preparedness forces.
      (2)   Assistant Coordinators shall assume the duties of the Director whenever he or she is unavailable during disasters or emergency situations in the order of designation by the Mayor, acting upon the recommendation of the Director.
(Res. 80-55. Passed 1-21-80.)