(a)   Establishment of Office. The position of Director of Emergency Management is hereby established in and for the City pursuant to Chapter IV of the City Charter.
   (b)   General Duties; Reports. The Director shall perform the duties set forth in this chapter, together with other such duties as may be assigned by the Mayor, or by the Mayor and Council. The Director shall make reports on his or her work as may be required by the Mayor or by the Mayor and Council.
(Res. 80-810. Passed 10-6-80.)
   (c)   Compensation and Benefits. The salary of the Director shall be determined from time to time by Council, and he or she shall not receive any fringe benefits or other additional compensation.
(Adopting Ordinance)
   (d)   Time. The Director shall devote such time to the performance of his or her duties as is necessary to adequately and efficiently perform the duties of his or her office, in the judgment of the Mayor and Council.
(Res. 80-810. Passed 10-6-80.)