(a)   Appointment. The Chief of Police is hereby directed to appoint individuals known as Reserve Police Officers in such numbers as deemed necessary.
   (b)   Badge, Dress, Insignia, Etc. Reserve Police Officers shall wear such badge, dress and insignia and be equipped in such manner for the proper discharge of their duties as the Chief of Police shall direct. They may utilize their badge, uniform, dress and insignia only while on duty.
   (c)   Rules; Compensation.
      (1)   The Chief of Police shall promulgate rules relating to the qualifications, appointments and removal of Reserve Police Officers.
      (2)   Reserve Police Officers shall be subject to rules and regulations promulgated by the Chief of Police.
      (3)   Reserve Police Officers shall serve without compensation.
   (d)   Authority; Restrictions. It is unlawful for any Reserve Police Officer to exercise his or her authority as an officer, to wear the uniform or insignia or to display his or her badge, in an attempt to exercise his or her authority, except during the performance of actual authorized police duty. While performing actual authorized Reserve Policy duty, Reserve Police Officers shall have the following powers: pursuant to the authority provided in Act 366 of the Public Acts of 1984, as amended, a Reserve Police Officer, within the scope of his or her assigned authority by the Chief of Police, is hereby authorized to issue and serve appearance tickets upon a person, with respect to offenses less than felony grade, if the Reserve Officer has cause to believe that the person has committed an offense in violation of a local ordinance for which the maximum permissible penalty does not exceed the penalty set forth in Section 202.99 of these Codified Ordinances.
   (e)   Impersonation Prohibited. It is unlawful for any person not duly appointed and sworn in as a Reserve Police Officer to impersonate such Officer, or to wear, carry or display the badge, dress or insignia for Reserve Police Officers.
(Res. 92-771. Passed 12-14-92.)