(a)   Establishment of Office. The position of Youth Assistant Supervisor is hereby established in and for the City.
   (b)   Powers and Duties. The duties of the Youth Assistant Supervisor shall include the following:
      (1)   Direction, training, supervision, evaluation and promotion of the youth assistance program, as adopted and implemented by the Police Department;
      (2)   Formulation and implementation of a day to day operation of the program by developing and managing a referral network with governmental, community and public service agencies; and
      (3)   Correlation of the program with the Board of Education, the Juvenile Court, the Police Department, the various Municipal departments and all other law enforcement agencies.
   (c)   Qualifications. The Youth Assistant Supervisor shall possess the following minimum qualifications as a condition precedent to employment with the City:
      (1)   A B.A. in law enforcement, guidance and counseling, social work or a related field;
      (2)   A minimum of two years experience in probation or counseling, including counseling with youths;
      (3)   Experience in adult and juvenile corrections; and
      (4)   A working knowledge of Municipal operations; an understanding of the juvenile system and laws; flexibility in working schedule; good verbal and written skills; detail oriented; and supervisory experience.
(Res. 88-825. Passed 11-28-88.)
   (d)   Compensation and Benefits. The Youth Assistant Supervisor shall receive such salary and fringe benefits as determined from time to time by Council, but he or she shall receive no overtime. Such salary shall be paid in equal payments on the regular paydays established for classified employees. The fringe benefits shall be paid for by the City in the same manner as provided for classified employees.