(a)   Combination of Offices. The office of Director of Administrative Operations is established.
   (b)   Appointment; Term. The Director shall be appointed by the Mayor and Council and shall hold office for a term to expire on the first Monday of January of odd numbered years.
   (c)   Duties.
      (1)   The Director shall perform those duties relating to the classified personnel of the City pursuant to the requirements of the City Charter, Council Resolution and other applicable laws.
      (2)   The Director shall perform those duties relating to purchases as set forth in the City Charter, including, but not limited to, the provisions of Chapter III, Section 13, and other applicable laws. The purchase of materials, supplies or services shall be in accordance with such section.
      (3)   The Director shall perform such other related duties as may be required by the Mayor and Council.
(Res. 84-340. Passed 3-26-84.)
   (d)   Compensation and Benefits. The Director shall receive such salary and fringe benefits as determined from time to time by Council. Such salary shall be paid in equal payments on the regular paydays established for classified employees. The fringe benefits shall be paid for by the City in the same manner as provided for classified employees.
(Res. 04-555A. Passed 10-18-04.