207.05 BIDDING.
   (a)   No purchase in an amount exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000) shall be made by the Director of Personnel and Purchasing, except upon the prior approval of the Mayor and Council and unless an opportunity is afforded for competitive bidding. When the amount exceeds five thousand dollars ($5,000), sealed bids shall be requested and received. Payment for police car repairs and other matters which are deemed to be of an emergency nature shall not be subject to the requirements of this subsection if the cost of such repairs is supported by not less than three written quotes.
   (b)   Where the purchase is supported by not less than three quotes or requests for proposals (R.F.P.'s) and the total cost is between three thousand, five hundred dollars ($3,500) and five thousand dollars ($5,000), no sealed bids shall be required.
   (c)   All sealed bids shall be opened in public by or under the direction of Council, except for rehabilitation bids requested by the Department of Community Improvement, which rehabilitation bids shall be opened on Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. after receipt thereof by the City Clerk, at the City Clerk's office, in the presence of a member of the Department and at least one other witness, whose signatures will be affixed to each bid copy.
(Res. 99-566. Passed 10-25-99.)
   (d)   If no sealed bid is received or if all bids are rejected, Council may, after stating the reasons therefor, as a part of its resolution therefor, order that further bids be solicited, or that the Director purchase the materials, supplies or services concerned in the open market or, if practicable, secure the performance of the services concerned by an appropriate officer or department of the City.
   (e)   Council may order work done and improvements made by the City, where the City maintains a labor and working staff therefor without the necessity of securing bids for such work or improvements.
(1979 Code Sec. 3.16.050)