(a)   A charge of one dollar ($1.00) per page is established for copies of records from any department of the City, for the purpose of covering the reasonable cost thereof. However, such charge shall not apply to any elected or appointed official of the City during his or her term of office, to any professional consultant employed by the City or to any record the charge for which is otherwise provided by law. Such charge shall not apply to Police Department records where the charge shall be two dollars ($2.00) per accident report and one dollar ($1.00) per page for all other Police Department records. No copies of records shall be released until the appropriate charges are paid.
   (b)   With the exception of copies of birth and death records and copies of Police Department records, there shall be a charge of one dollar ($1.00) for each certification affixed to a copy of any document.
   (c)   For copies of tax bills for property located in the City the charge shall be twenty-five cents ($0.25) per page.
(Res. 88-519. Passed 7-11-88.)
   (d)   Multiple copies of any record from any department of the City, with the exception of the Police Department, shall be provided as follows:
      Two to five copies      $0.50 per copy
      Six or more         0.35 per copy
(Res. 88-540. Passed 7-18-88.)