General Provisions
90.01 Definitions
90.02 Liability insurance required
90.03 Registration of dogs
90.04 Rules, regulations and fees
90.05 Seizure and impoundment of dog
90.06 Seeing eye dogs
Animals Running at Large
90.20 Leash required
90.21 Dangerous dog to be properly confined or leashed
90.22 Vicious dog to be properly confined or leashed
90.23 Possession of dangerous or vicious dog prohibited
90.24 Animals running at large
90.25 Strays
90.26 Unavoidable escapes
90.27 Fees
90.28 Quarantine
90.29 Interference with quarantine orders
90.30 Reporting escape of certain animals required
Offenses relating to Domestic Animals
90.45 Abandoning animals
90.46 Injuring animals
90.47 Poisoning animals
90.48 Cruelty to animals
90.49 Animal fights
90.50 Trapshooting
90.51 Loud dog
90.52 Pit bull terriers
90.53 Pit bull identification
90.99 Penalty