(A)   Appointments not from eligible lists.
      (1)   The Village Manager may fill any vacancy by transfer, reallocation, or demotion. When a reemployment list contains two or more names of persons who have been employed in the position to be filled than the number of vacancies to be filled, appointments shall be made from among the persons numbering three times the number of vacancies tube filled standing highest on the reemployment list if the vacancies are not filled by transfer, reallocation, or demotion.
      (2)   If the applicant accepts the appointment and presents himself or herself for duty within such period of time as the Village Manager shall prescribe, he or she shall be deemed to be appointed; otherwise, he or she shall be deemed to have declined the appointment.
   (B)   Emergency appointments. When an emergency makes it impossible to delay filling a position, the Village Manager may appoint any qualified person to such position in order to prevent stoppage of public business or loss or serious inconvenience to the public. Any such person shall be employed only during such emergency and for a period not exceeding 30 days in any 12-month period. A vacancy of which the department head has had a reasonable notice, or any employment condition of which he or she had, or might with due diligence have had, previous knowledge, shall not be considered an emergency under this section. Emergency appointments shall be reported immediately to the Village Manager.
   (C)   Military replacement appointments. In filling a position vacated as a result of the granting of a military leave of absence, the Village Manager may draw on reemployment lists or eligible lists for a person to be recommended to the appointing authority. If such appointment is effected, the appointee to the vacated position is to be informed by the Village Manager that his or her tenure of appointment may be limited to the length of military leave granted to the regular employee whose military leave of absence created the vacancy. On the return of the employee granted military leave the replacement employee shall be placed on the appropriate eligible list if qualified. If the Village Manager is unable to certify an eligible for such vacancy because of lack of appropriate lists, the Village Manager may authorize the appointing authority to fill the vacancy with any qualified person available and the conditions of employment of such a person shall be similar to those appointed from appropriate lists as hereinabove stated.
(1995 Code, § 37.27) (Ord. 75-53, passed 6-9-1975)