Accesses Abutting Roads
92.01 Access modifications prohibited
92.02 Access permits authorized
92.03 Permit fees
92.04 Access obstruction to drainage
92.05 Maintenance and construction according to permit
92.06 Possession of permit
92.07 Liability
92.08 Authority
County Highway Utility Crossing
92.20 Definitions and scope
92.21 Authority of Superintendent to promulgate criteria
92.22 Permit required
92.23 Permit fees
92.24 Bonding
92.25 Violations and penalties
92.99 Penalty
No one may construct or modify an access abutting a county road unless the landowner has first obtained an approved access permit from the county’s Highway Superintendent.
(Ord. 2112-19, passed 12-14-2021) Penalty, see § 92.99
(A) The county’s Highway Superintendent may issue and approve an access permit abutting a county road. The permit is only valid for county roads under the authority of the Highway Superintendent.
(B) An application for a permit must be made at least two weeks in advance. Incomplete applications will not be approved. The permit shall be issued by email and will expire within 180 days of approval. The permit may be suspended, revised, and/or revoked at any time at the discretion of the county’s Highway Superintendent.
(Ord. 2112-19, passed 12-14-2021)