A.   Water And Sewer Service:
      1.   With regard to water and sewer service, the public utility shall maintain a service line from its distribution line to the property line of the consumer.
      2.   The consumer shall install and be responsible for the maintenance of any and all lines, connections and fittings upon consumer's premises, and consumer shall install a cutoff valve for the entire system upon his own property and shall further provide for complete drainage upon consumer's property.
      3.   All water heaters shall be so installed to prevent any drain back into the main system.
      4.   This shall not prevent the public utility and the consumer from entering into a contract for the required work with the public utility as a contractor.
      5.   Service may be refused if the lines and/or pipes on the premises would allow cross connections and/or backflow.
   B.   Electrical Service:
      1.   With regard to electrical service, the public utility shall maintain a service line from its distribution or service line to the entrance cap on the consumer's home or pole.
      2.   The consumer shall install and be responsible for the maintenance of entrance cap, conduit, wire and meter base, upon consumer's premises.
      3.   Service may be refused if the installation on consumer's building or pole does not meet the national electrical code standards.
   C.   Meter Installations:
      1.   The public utility may install the meter or meters at the property line or at its option upon consumer's property.
      2.   In the event of multiple use and installation of two (2) or more meters, such meters shall be so marked as to clearly identify the consumer being serviced.
   D.   Nonliability Of Public Utility; Exception: The public utility shall not be liable for any damage of any kind whatsoever resulting from water or the use of water on the consumer's premises or for any damage done by, or resulting from, any defect in the piping, fixtures or appliances on the consumer's premises or negligence of third persons, or force beyond the control of the public utility resulting in any interruption of service; unless such damage results directly from negligence on the part of the public utility. (1983 Code § 13.04.060)
   E.   Actions Of Employees:
      1.   No promise, agreement or representation of any employee shall be binding upon the public utility unless acknowledged in writing by the Pioche town board.
      2.   No modification of the rates or any of the rules and regulations may be made by an employee of the public utility. (1983 Code § 13.04.120; amd. 2003 Code)