Each licensee must strictly enforce all the provisions of this code and state statutes in the licensed establishment and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each licensee must:
   A.   Maintain and conduct all activities upon the premises in a decent, orderly, and respectful manner and shall not knowingly permit within or upon the licensed premises any lewd activity, nudity, or topless activity, or any disorder, disturbances, or other activities which endanger the health or safety of the customers or disrupt the peace or order of the neighborhood.
   B.   Ensure in the absence of the licensee, that a key employee be on the premises or available for immediate contact on a twenty four (24) hour per day basis and be authorized to make decisions on behalf of the licensee.
   C.   Refuse admittance to minors to any area wherein minors are restricted from access. Without limiting the foregoing, minors must be refused access, entry or service to:
      1.   Liquor stores;
      2.   The alcoholic beverage supply and display area in any gift store, grocery store or drugstore;
      3.   Locked cabinets or refrigerators in resort hotel rooms occupied by minors;
      4.   Taverns and the area in immediate proximity to a main bar, portable bar, or service bar. For a main bar, service bar, or tavern located within or operated in conjunction with a restaurant at which minors are admitted, liquor may be served in an area divided and separated by a structural barrier sufficient to exclude minors from the bar area and in conjunction with meals served to persons twenty one (21) years of age or older. If a restaurant does not allow minors access to the premises, a physical separation of the restaurant from the bar area is not required, but a sign must be posted at the entrance to the establishment which states that the entrance of minors is prohibited;
      5.   Liquor establishments holding an on premises beer and wine or an on premises alcoholic beverage license must exclude minors from any area where alcoholic beverages are prepared, served, sold or distributed and must provide a sign or signs sufficient to give notice that minors are excluded from the area.
   D.   Maintain adequate security to ensure compliance with requirements of this section.
   E.   Remain qualified to hold a liquor license as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 2008-04, 12-15-2008, eff. 7-1-2009)