A.   Key Employees:
      1.   Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4-1-4B5 of this chapter, whenever it is the judgment of the board that the public interest will be served by requiring a key employee to obtain a finding of suitability to hold key employee status, the sheriff will serve upon the licensee notice to make application for such a finding.
      2.   The licensee shall, within thirty (30) days after receipt of the notice requiring a finding of suitability of any key employee, present the key employee application to the board or provide documentary evidence that such key employee is no longer employed by the licensee. An application for a finding of suitability, an investigation, and payment of fees shall be made in accordance with this chapter.
      3.   Any liquor licensee employing a person in a key employee position after that person's disapproval by the board, or upon the employee's refusal to make application for key employee status after receiving notification to do so, shall be subject to disciplinary action as set out in this chapter.
   B.   Landlord Or Lender:
      1.   Whenever it is the judgment of the board that the public interest will be served by requiring a landlord, lender, or third party by reason of the extent of his holdings or his inherent control financially, to obtain a finding of suitability as a landlord or a lender, the sheriff will serve upon the licensee notice for the landlord, lender, or third person to make application for such a finding. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such a situation may be deemed to exist in any instance where the agreement governing the lease or financing is not in accordance with usual and accepted business practices.
      2.   If the landlord, lender, or third party refuses to submit an application or is found not suitable as a landlord, lender, or third party the licensee shall, upon the terms and conditions agreed to by the board, renegotiate its agreement with the landlord, lender, or third party. (Ord. 2008-04, 12-15-2008, eff. 7-1-2009)