   92.01   Reimbursement; submission of improvement
   92.02   County requirements
   92.03   Responsibility
   92.04   Completion of improvements
   92.05   Speed bumps
   (A)   Prior to submission of a street for maintenance and the street is relative to a subdivision, either new or an extension of an existing street, the developer, subdivider or builder of the street shall fully and completely reimburse the county for any and all fees and costs paid to any engineer or engineering firm retained by the county to review the construction techniques of the street, and review of any associated plat.
   (B)   Prior to the acceptance by the Fiscal Court of maintenance of any road or street, as described above, the developer, subdivider or builder shall have fully, and completely reimbursed the county for any and all fees and costs paid to any engineer or engineering firm retained by the county for the purpose of construction inspection. It is the intent of this chapter that all costs incurred by the county for any engineer or engineering firm shall be the responsibility of the developer, subdivider or builder and the reimbursement shall be a condition for approving any road or street as described above for county maintenance.
(2001 Code, § 92.01) (Ord. passed 9-14-2000)
Statutory reference:
   County roads, see KRS Chapter 178
   The county, by and through the Fiscal Court, or its authorized agents, may require that one-inch bituminous surface course not be applied to any selected subdivision streets or roads until after completion of at least 75% of subdivision buildings in the associated subdivision. The Fiscal Court may, at its option, accept streets or roads prior to the application of the surface course provided that the Fiscal Court retains a maintenance and performance guarantee to ensure that the existing road is properly maintained and to ensure that the road is completed once the subdivision is fully developed.
(2001 Code, § 92.02) (Ord. passed 9-14-2000)