   (A)   For the purpose of providing information and guidance to land developers, design engineers, and contractors in the construction of water and sewer facilities that are to become a part of the district waterworks and sewer system, a set of standard construction specifications is hereby adopted, approved and incorporated in this section by reference. These regulations and procedures are to be followed by any person in the development of a residential subdivision or shopping center, or in any development in which the developer is requested to construct facilities that will become assets to the district’s sewer system.
   (B)   The City of Danville Manual shall be revised from time to time to ensure that the requirements are keep abreast with current state and federal laws and regulations, approved construction materials and recognized construction methods. Copies of the Manual shall be kept on file at the office of the District Manager and shall be available for inspection by any person.
   (C)   If any section or portion of the Manual as shall from time to time be amended or conflict with other existing ordinances heretofore enacted, the standard construction specifications shall control and shall take priority over any ordinance previously enacted.
   (D)   The City of Danville Manual is adopted by reference.
(Ord. 01-07.28.16, passed 7-28-2016)
   (A)   For the purpose of establishing procedures indicating how the district’s wastewater system will investigate and respond to instances of industrial user noncompliance, a plan of action called the enforcement response plan is hereby adopted, approved and incorporated in this section by reference. These regulations and procedures are to be followed by any industrial user and district staff members in the resolution of any noncompliance of regulations listed in §§ 52.30 through 52.54 of this chapter.
   (B)   This Manual shall be revised from time to time to ensure compliance with 40 C.F.R. § 403.8(f)(5), and any other state or federal regulations. Copies of this Plan will be available for inspection by any person in the office of the Sanitation District and Hustonville City Hall.
   (C)   If any section or portion of this Plan, as shall from time to time be amended, conflict with other existing ordinances heretofore enacted, the amended provisions shall control and shall take priority over any ordinance previously enacted.
   (D)   The enforcement actions and remedies provided for in this chapter are not exclusive. The district may take any, all, or combination of these actions and those actions listed in the district’s enforcement response plan against a noncompliant user. The district may take other action against any user when the circumstances warrant. Further, the district is empowered to take more than one enforcement action against any noncompliant user.
   (E)   The City of Danville Plan is adopted by reference.
(Ord. 01-07.28.16, passed 7-28-2016)
   (A)   The sewer service utility will be operated by the District of Hustonville or other as contracted. The contractor will be the authorized representative of the district for all notifications and certification required by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection for the Commonwealth. The contractor will be required to maintain a Class II operator’s certification for wastewater collection as provided by the KYDNREP Cabinet.
   (B)   The contractor will oversee the sewer system based on the operation and maintenance manuals as follows: the City of Danville Wastewater Operation and Maintenance Manual as adopted on October 26, 1987, and approved for the operation of the wastewater plant, laboratory and the collection system.
   (C)   The contractor will oversee the annual review and update of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
   (D)   All updates shall be submitted to the Board of County Sanitation District.
   (E)   The contractor will maintain copies of the manuals as follows:
      (1)   Copies of the manuals will be maintained at the office of the County Judge Executive and/or the County Sanitation District as appropriate; and
      (2)   Copies will be maintained at the contractor’s office and be available for public inspection.
(Ord. 01-07.28.16, passed 7-28-2016)
§ 52.15 POLICY.
   (A)   In order to promote the orderly growth and advancement of existing and proposed residential, commercial and industrial areas inside, and outside, the district limits, adjacent to, and surrounding the district, so that such areas may at the proper time be served by the sewer service, the Board of County Sanitation District hereby decrees that henceforth district sanitary sewer service will not be extended except under the terms and conditions set forth in this chapter.
   (B)   This policy is based on the plan adopted by the Board of County Sanitation District for the financing of the district owned sanitary systems, which plan provides generally:
      (1)   For all local collector sewers, including manholes and service connections, to be paid for by the subdivider, developer or property owner; and
      (2)   Operation and maintenance expenses are to be paid for from service charges.
(Ord. 01-07.28.16, passed 7-28-2016)
   (A)   Required. The subdivider, developer or property owner requesting an extension of district sewer service shall file an application as provided in § 52.15 of this chapter of the standard construction specifications, rules and regulations as adopted in § 52.01 of this chapter.
   (B)   General rules of priority for consideration.
      (1)   Applications for extension of district sewer services will be considered in accordance with the following order of priorities:
         (a)   The area requesting service is located adjacent or contiguous to an existing district sewer service line;
         (b)   The area requesting service is located within existing district boundaries;
         (c)   The area requesting service is adjacent or contiguous to the existing district boundary; and
         (d)   All other requests for services.
      (2)   The provisions in subsection (1) above apply to all such applications, however the Board of County Sanitation District may, by resolution or order, grant a waiver of any or all of these provisions when it is deemed to be in the best interest of the district to do so.
   (C)   Agreements required.
      (1)   Applications for extension of district sewer services will generally not be considered unless:
         (a)   The subdivider, developer or property owner agrees to pay the cost of all collector sewers, including manholes, pump stations and service connections, under one or other of the payment plans set out in §§ 52.17 and 52.18 of this subchapter;
         (b)   The subdivider, developer or property owner agrees to furnish without cost to the district sufficient and adequate easements on which water or sewer mains may be placed within the area to be served;
         (c)   The subdivider, developer or property owner understands his or her obligation to abide by the subdivision and zoning regulations of the County/Cedar Creek Planning and Zoning Commission, the standard construction specifications and the rules and regulations of the district, where applicable.
      (2)   It is intended that the requirements set out above be included in a written agreement between the district and the subdivider, developer or property owner as a condition precedent to any and all extension of water or sanitary sewer service to the area being developed, whether within or without the district limits.
      (3)   EXTENSION shall be defined as any addition to the existing system and/or any change in the scope of existing services.
      (4)   The above requirements apply to such applications, however the Board of County Sanitation District may, by resolution or order, grant a waiver of any or all of these provisions when it is deemed to be in the best interest of the district to do so.
(Ord. 01-07.28.16, passed 7-28-2016)
   Local collector sewers in developed areas where numerous property owners are involved shall be installed and paid for under one of the following payment plans:
   (A)   All benefited property owners shall pay into an escrow fund an amount equal to their proportionate share of the total estimated cost of the installation of water or sanitary sewers prior to the beginning of construction. The basis of prorating the costs shall be determined by mutual agreement between the district and the property owners on the front foot, land value or other such mutually acceptable basis. When the entire amount has been paid into the escrow fund, the district shall then cause the construction to be accomplished under its usual and customary procedures for public works construction. At the completion of construction when actual costs are known, the escrow account shall be adjusted either up or down, whichever may apply, with each property owner paying to or receiving from the fund his or her appropriate share to properly adjust said fund to the actual cost of the work.
   (B)   Installation by the district on an assessment basis under the applicable chapter of the Kentucky Revised Statutes.
   (C)   Any other plan acceptable to the District Board of Directors.
(Ord. 01-07.28.16, passed 7-28-2016)
   Local collector sewers in undeveloped areas shall be undertaken and paid for by one of the following methods:
   (A)   The subdivider, or developer, must make his or her own arrangements to construct, and pay for required facilities subject to the standard construction specifications and all terms and conditions set out in this subchapter, including division (B) of this section and dedication of facilities to the district without cost and in first class condition upon such completion; or
   (B)   Full cost of the installation of water mains and sanitary sewers to be borne by the subdivider or developer under whatever terms may be included in a contract between the district and the subdivider or developer. Installations by this procedure may be planned or constructed by either party to the contract. If the subdivider or developer undertakes the construction with his or her own forces or contracts for such construction, he or she shall be wholly and entirely responsible to see that the work conforms to the district’s current standard construction specifications for sewer construction, in order to ensure compliance with district specifications. It shall be his or her responsibility to pay the cost of providing an adequate number of competent, approved resident inspectors during construction. Completed facilities must meet the required performance tests.
(Ord. 01-07.28.16, passed 7-28-2016)