   35.01   911 surcharge
   35.02   Court costs, filing fees, collections
   35.03   Fee pooling system
§ 35.01 911 SURCHARGE.
   (A)   The 911 surcharge is changed, modified and increased to the sum of $2.50 on each phone line in the county.
   (B)   In all other respects, any and all ordinances regarding 911 service or emergency communications shall be unchanged and unaltered.
(Ord. passed 8-28-2008)
   The ordinance of July 11, 2000, is hereby re-enacted, in whole, and shall remain in effect, until repealed by the County Fiscal Court. The Fiscal Court hereby additionally references, herein, statutes authorizing this section, namely, KRS 23A.220 pertaining to Circuit Courts, KRS 24A.185 pertaining to District Courts, and KRS 64.091, pertaining to Sheriffs.
(Ord. passed 6-20-2002)
   That from and after January 1, 2023:
   (A)   All net income and net fees from the office of the County Sheriff shall be paid over the County Treasurer, such payment to be on a monthly basis no later than the twentieth day for each month for the net income and fees collected in the preceding month; and
   (B)   NET INCOME AND NET FEES. All income and all fees collected less only approved transmittals to governmental agencies and refunds to customer; and
   (C)   The expenses of and the expenditures of the Office of Sheriff shall be paid by the County Treasurer in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by County Fiscal Court. Provided however, the County Sheriff shall certify to the County Treasurer for payment each pay period, the names and hours of each employee of their respective offices who worked during such pay period and the Treasurer shall pay such payrolls as presented.
   (D)   The Sheriff shall draw no checks upon the fee account other than the check to pay over the net income and net fees of the fee account to the County Treasurer and for approved transmittals and refunds as referenced herein; and
   (E)   That the ordinary bills of the County Sheriff shall not be paid until approved by the Fiscal Court; and
   (F)   No salaries or expenses of the County Sheriff or his or her employees shall be paid if the fee Officer is delinquent in the payment of one month's fee income. In case of delinquencies in payments by the Sheriff's Office to the treasury of the county, salaries and expenses shall only be paid at such time as the delinquencies have been corrected.
   (G)   All procurement requests shall be made as required by the Fiscal Court and implemented by the County Treasurer.
(Ord. 1.24.23, passed 1-24-2023)